Uberlogger API (1.1.5)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Uberlogger API provides functionalities for managing logger operations. It encompasses endpoints for triggering calibration, formatting the SD card, retrieving file lists, obtaining current measurment values, and controlling the logger. Each endpoint is thoroughly described, including their operations, expected responses, and code samples, facilitating seamless integration and utilization for developers.
Limitation: don't call the endpoints more than twice per second. There is no throttling implemented, so calling them too often may overload the Uberlogger and could lead to unstable behaviour.
Response samples
- 200
- "AIN1_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN2_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN3_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN4_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN5_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN6_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN7_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN8_ENABLE": true
- "AIN1_RANGE": false,
- "AIN2_RANGE": false,
- "AIN3_RANGE": true,
- "AIN4_RANGE": true,
- "AIN5_RANGE": false,
- "AIN6_RANGE": false,
- "AIN7_RANGE": false,
- "AIN8_RANGE": false
}, - "DIN_ENABLED": {
- "DIN1_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN2_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN3_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN4_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN5_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN6_ENABLE": true
- "FILE_NAME_PREFIX": "logfilename",
- "LOG_MODE": 0,
- "NTC1": true,
- "NTC2": true,
- "NTC3": true,
- "NTC4": false,
- "NTC5": false,
- "NTC6": false,
- "NTC7": false,
- "NTC8": false
}, - "WIFI_CHANNEL": 1,
- "WIFI_PASSWORD": "your_secret_password",
- "WIFI_SSID": "My Router SSID"
Set logger configuration
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
ADC_RESOLUTION | integer Enum: 12 16 Resolution of ADC measurements. Can be either 12 bits or 16 bits. |
object Enables or disables an analog channel AINx. True = enabled, false = disabled. | |
object Select the range of an analog channel. False = +/- 10V, true = +/- 60V | |
object Enables or disables a digital input. True = enabled, false = disabled. | |
FILE_DECIMAL_CHAR | integer Enum: 0 1 Character used for decimal notation in files.
FILE_NAME_MODE | integer Enum: 0 1 File naming convention used by the logger.
FILE_NAME_PREFIX | string <= 70 characters Log file prefix. Cannot contain special characters or spaces. |
FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR | integer Enum: 0 1 Character used as a separator in files.
LOG_MODE | integer Enum: 0 1 Logging mode of the device.
LOG_SAMPLE_RATE | integer Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency at which the logger samples data.
object Sets the analog input AINx as analog (=false) or NTC input (=true). | |
WIFI_CHANNEL | integer [ 1 .. 13 ] WiFi channel used by the device. Range is from 1 to 13. |
WIFI_PASSWORD | string <= 20 characters WiFi password of access point the Uberlogger needs to connect to. |
WIFI_SSID | string <= 32 characters WiFi SSID of accespoint the Uberlogger needs to connect to. |
Request samples
- Payload
- "AIN1_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN2_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN3_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN4_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN5_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN6_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN7_ENABLE": true,
- "AIN8_ENABLE": true
- "AIN1_RANGE": false,
- "AIN2_RANGE": false,
- "AIN3_RANGE": true,
- "AIN4_RANGE": true,
- "AIN5_RANGE": false,
- "AIN6_RANGE": false,
- "AIN7_RANGE": false,
- "AIN8_RANGE": false
}, - "DIN_ENABLED": {
- "DIN1_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN2_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN3_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN4_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN5_ENABLE": true,
- "DIN6_ENABLE": true
- "FILE_NAME_PREFIX": "logfilename",
- "LOG_MODE": 0,
- "NTC1": true,
- "NTC2": true,
- "NTC3": true,
- "NTC4": false,
- "NTC5": false,
- "NTC6": false,
- "NTC7": false,
- "NTC8": false
}, - "WIFI_CHANNEL": 1,
- "WIFI_PASSWORD": "your_secret_password",
- "WIFI_SSID": "My Router SSID"
Retrieve a list of files or download a file from the SD card
path Parameters
file_path required | string Example: 2024_05_05_13_30.csv The path to the file or directory on the SD card. Supports wildcard (*) to match multiple files. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
Binary data representing the file contents
Response samples
- 200
{- "ERRORCODE": 0,
- "FW_VERSION": "1.0.3_2024.",
- "ANALOG": {
- "UNITS": "Volt",
- "VALUES": {
- "AIN1": 14.225257,
- "AIN3": 14.2266462,
- "AIN8": 14.2266462
}, - "DIGITAL": {
- "UNITS": "Level",
- "VALUES": {
- "DI1": 0,
- "DI2": 0,
- "DI3": 0,
- "DI4": 0,
- "DI5": 0,
- "DI6": 0
- "UNITS": "DEG C",
- "VALUES": {
- "NTC2": 25.5,
- "NTC4": 26.5,
- "NTC5": 27,
- "NTC6": 27.5,
- "NTC7": 28
}, - "SD_CARD_FREE_SPACE": 15097344,
- "TIMESTAMP": 1711207016573,
- "WIFI_TEST_IP": "",
- "WIFI_TEST_RSSI": -54,